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Customer Case Study

How Blue Cross of Idaho Uses for Auditing & Troubleshooting

We’re excited to showcase one of our early partners, Blue Cross of Idaho, an industry leading healthcare insurance provider, that uses Highlight for troubleshooting and auditing.

Before integrating, Blue Cross of Idaho (BCI) faced a few operational challenges regarding their customer-facing insurance portals. They lacked real-time data on how users were using their web applications, leading to slow issue resolution. They also had legacy workflows for auditing that no longer fit the fast-paced digital transformation they undertook.

The BCI team initially discovered Highlight through our open source presence. Integrating the product in days, the BCI team quickly saw value in being able to troubleshoot customer-facing issues and efficiently audit their applications. was incredibly easy to adopt, and their team moves extremely fast. We’re getting to the root causes of issues in a tenth of the time that is used to take us; the value here is insurmountable.
Author pictureAbraham Soto,Blue Cross Idaho

Debugging and Troubleshooting Customer-facing Portals

At Blue Cross of Idaho (BCI), ensuring seamless user experiences across their digital portals is paramount. Abraham Soto, Director of Innovation at BCI, emphasizes the critical role session replay plays in their debugging and troubleshooting efforts. 

With, pinpointing and resolving issues within our portals has never been more efficient.
Author pictureAbraham Soto,Blue Cross Idaho

The platform's intuitive interface and comprehensive replay capabilities empower BCI's team to identify and address user experience bottlenecks swiftly. Whether it's a frontend glitch or a backend issue, equips BCI with the insights needed to maintain optimal portal performance.

Sending User Audits to the Blue Cross Parent Association (BCBSA)

Beyond internal operations, BCI leverages to uphold compliance standards and transparency obligations with their parent association, Blue Cross Blue Shield Association (BCBSA). enables us to conduct thorough user audits and seamlessly share them with the BCBSA. The ability to effortlessly generate and transmit user audits enhances our accountability and strengthens our partnership with BCBSA.
Author pictureAbraham Soto,Blue Cross Idaho

By leveraging session replay technology, BCI can provide detailed user interaction records, ensuring alignment with BCBSA's guidelines and regulations. 

Closing Thoughts

In conclusion, serves as an indispensable tool in BCI's digital strategy, facilitating both internal optimization and external compliance efforts. 

The implementation of has revolutionized our approach to auditing and troubleshooting. Its user-friendly interface and rapid insights delivery have exceeded our expectations.
Author pictureAbraham Soto,Blue Cross Idaho

Moving forward, BCI remains committed to leveraging session replay technology to drive continuous improvement and deliver unparalleled user experiences within their ecosystem, and we are always finding ways to expand our partnership with their team. Our next project extends beyond frontend web monitoring to integrate server logs in session replays, giving full stack observability for even faster troubleshooting.

Overall, it’s been incredible to work with Abraham and the team at BCI. We’re excited to continue the partnership.

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About the companyAn industry-leading healthcare insurance provider.
Using Highlight sinceJan 2023
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